Wednesday 2 November 2016

Interesting Facts of UK based Study

The UK might only be comparatively small, but there’s an awful lot going on. More than 100 universities and many colleges are offering higher education courses. They continue to attract student talent from all corners of the world. The UK is the second biggest country to host international students from all around the world. It also shares a common language with U.S.A, Canada and Australia.

The UK ranks well. There are 11 UK universities in the top 100 world university rankings. Considering the UK rank at number 80 for country size out of 249 countries. They’re quite proud to have so many fantastic institutions on our small island. They boast some of the oldest institutions. Oxford University is claimed to be the oldest university in the English speaking world. While exact dates aren’t known, teaching took place at Oxford from 1096. The University of Cambridge was established in 1209 and chartered in 1231, making it the 4th oldest university in the world. Both of these are located in the UK. In 2014, NatWest ranked Glasgow as the most economical place to study in the UK. This was based on the cost of everyday essentials. The University of Sheffield regularly wins the award for ‘best student union’ in the UK. The student union nightclub venue has attracted a number of top DJs and music artists. In 2013/14 PWC took the number 1 position in The Times Top 100 Graduate Employers’ list. PWC dominate the accountancy and professional services sector and hire 1,200 graduates each year.

Student Facilities, Faculty and Technology

If you are a student in the UK, then you can get discounts on a range of services/products. Our most favorites are the NUS Extra card which allows you to save on eating out and entertainment the Young Person’s Rail card, which allows you to save 1/3 on rail travel. In the UK, most students graduate with a 2.1 degree classification. This has remained the case over the past 10 years. A first class degree is the best you can achieve followed by an upper second class (2.1) and then lower second class (2.2). Below this is a third class honors/pass degree. Most top graduate employers will ask for at least an upper second class degree. Coursework Writing Services

Fresher’s week is the term used to describe the first week at a British university. It isn’t necessarily a single week, and new students may be referred to as ‘fresher’s’ for the whole of their first year! The fresher’s period is usually a time for socializing heavily and getting to know your way around your university. There will usually be lots of events held at your student union and people are generally very friendly. In the UK, universities usually allow their students to work up to 20 hours per week during term time. For a very few courses, this might not always be possible because of so many students tend to stick to their part-time jobs which allow them to work flexibly. Coursework Writing Service


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